Basically the problem statement was we have to detect land minds on given square or rectangle area and bot needs to trace all area and stop for some times when detect land mines in this case black dots on floor it detects , it has also obstacle avoidence
It is smart bagpack with additional technology.It has subject timetable books assist like we feed the data and then it showa on led screen which book to pack and if all books in it shows good to go but if incomplete it shows warning this is done by RFID TAGS AND RFID READER. It has special feature called sos like if anything wrong happens you just need to push button and then a help message will send to school , parents and police at that time by using gsm modukle. and I won FIRST PRIZE OF DISTRICT LEVEL COMPETION
In my 10th standard I made this project for Project making copetition and won FIRST PRIZE. Basically at that time netspeed was not 4G. it was very slow 2G/3G only mobile calls are made possile. so i decided to make a system that can be controlled by a phone call.and I build this it has GSM module in it.can be controlled on/off by one phone call. I demonstrate this with GREEN HOUSE MODEL and judges got impressed.
It was my DIY assignment group project which i have submitted for grading. basically its purpose is to prevent accidents while parking or reverse driving it has three levels of indication GREEN, YELLOW, RED - SAFE, BE CAREFUL, ABOUT TO HIT. We got EX (Exellent) grade from professor.